The Weave of Sacred Dance~ Living Ritual

These classes are my Heart Song. The threads of inspiration that weave them are spun on the loom of my greatest loves: the natural world, poetry, myth, and the mysterious landscape of the inner-life. The themes explored are an invitation to soul that rise out of my own human experience. To me they seem like patchwork quilts, each class sewn together with pieces of story and ceremony and sisterhood and ritual. This quiltwork is made with great reverence and is designed to be wrapped around the dancing circle creating a safe and loving container in which each woman can be held, for it is only when we are truly held that the mind can let go of its edges, allowing us to free-fall into the innermost sanctum of being—into these wise bodies, into these beating hearts, into our holy of holies.

Honest expression in the form of dance is deeply rooted in the nature of who we are as human beings. To dance freely can be a transformative experience that can lead to upsurges of emotion and profound discovery. If we bid our minds rest for a while and allow the wisdom body to lead us, we may enter the landscape that is our inner-life; there, in the boundless, nameless expanse, do we meet the many aspects of ourselves: the wise and the broken, the beloved and the orphaned, the faceless and the known. There, an alchemical unfolding occurs which yields a kind of healing— the ripening fruits of our heart's labour.

These classes are open to all women who feel inspired by this form and there is no previous dance experience necessary, just an open mind and a willingness to experience oneself moving freely for a while. 

For the purpose of going deeper, the classes are structured in 6 week sessions.  For this reason, drop in, is not encouraged.

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