"Joining Nao in dance was a tremendously important part of my life for more than ten years. From that first fateful evening, the depth of what she was offering captured my heart, soul and mind, and I never looked back. Some of my greatest insights and life changes have come as a result of dancing with purpose and openness within Nao's guidance. I cannot adequately express the depth of this blessing in words."
~ Rachel Walter, Investor
"Sacred Dance class has offered the most nurturing nest for my femininity to flourish. Each week I am in awe by Nao's ability to facilitate just the right class that is in flow with my soul's current. It is a safe, supportive space among a beautiful group of wise women, in which I learn so much about myself and my connection to the deeper mysteries of life."
~ Angela Willard, Herbalist and Co-Owner of Harmonic Arts
"I sought out Nao's classes after a twenty-year career as a yoga teacher. My body ached to break free of a thousand alignment rules and move of its own accord. I love the release that Nao invites us to experience week after week. The permission to relinquish demands of the external world, to attune to our inner rhythms and journey into the myth and mystery of the subconscious. Nao and her lovely guidance have become essential to my well-being.“
~ Traci Skuce, Writer
" Nao is a phenomenally unique, wise and gifted teacher who brings a sense of play, joy and sacredness to every class. She creates a safe space in which I have always felt I can express myself freely. I have been blessed to dance with Nao for over ten years, which is a gift in my life difficult to express. Her classes cultivate freedom of exploration, personal expression and build a sense of community. A sacred circle of dancing women organically formed over the years, always changing and evolving, and provided a beautiful circle of support through which all of us have grown personally and spiritually. I would highly recommend Nao's classes and jump at the chance to participate."
~ Jaime Kowal, Photographer and Author
"From my first class, which was partway through the session, I felt completely at ease in Nao’s dance circle. She holds space in a beautiful way, and has clearly devoted many years to her practice. Nao’s nature feels very pure, and she exudes a lot of inner peace. She masterfully creates conditions for others to connect with their essence. I love the lyrical container of the classes, where each session has a theme, and each class is accented with poems and wise reflections read out loud by candlelight. This experience has enriched the ‘physical’ aspect of the dance, and allowed me to enter a different part of the mind-body connection. I have found each class to be well planned out, with excellent ‘flow’, and suitable for seekers of all abilities."
~ Sylvia Boss
"I’ve been dancing with Nao for a few years now. Ironically, I think I put it off a lot longer than that. I knew I wanted to explore the deeper depths of my body through movement. But I was afraid it’d be too woo woo, too hippy dippy, and that I’d feel out of place. I finally got over myself. Leaning into the temporary discomfort has awarded me a gift so close to my heart. In this class I get to explore what it feels like to embody archetypes, poetry, rhythms, myths, wisdoms, and so much more. It attunes me to my spirit and allows me space to experience my good body as a gift. Thank you Nao! I am forever grateful."
~ Sara Turner
" There is something so magical and sacred about Nao's work. Every class facilitated a healing no other form could do. Nao holds a loving and supportive space and allows each unique class to unfold with grace. Thank You Nao!"
~ Nina Yannoukos, Homeopath
" Poetry in motion comes to mind when I think of Nao's exquisite Sacred Dance Classes. Each class was exactly what I needed at that point in time. My body and spirit went through cycles of release, surrender, new beginnings, building up and releasing again. Nao is a wise and loving teacher, you are fortunate to have her in your community."
~ Naslishah Thony
"Sacred dance is not just moving your body to the music, it is feeling the dance that is within your soul. I have been dancing with Nao for over 7 years and plan on to continue until my body can no longer carry me!"
~ Angela van den Hooven, Astrologer
“Nao is gifted in guiding women to connect with their inner soul....she really means it when she says ‘leave your name at the door’. I so appreciate the unique opportunity within a safe environment to focus on my body, move my body and be grateful for my body....it also offers me a chance to TRY and slow down and quiet my monkey mind!”
~ Sue Diewert
"Nao's dance class has been a journey into freedom from the relentless buzz of life. Stepping through the door into sacred space has the immediate affect for allowing presence. The music sings though me and dances me deep."
~ Shea Kotilla
I have been dancing with Nao for six years now and I am committed to these classes until I die! That sounds extreme, but it's just the way it is. Nao's dance encourages me to know myself deeply and softly. The dance class helps me to reach for my highest potential within the moment, it gets me out of my head and into my body, and helps me dance forward into life. I am a fortunate woman to have Nao and her dance in my life to say the least! Thank You Nao!”
~ Sally Turner
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