Previous Classes

Psyche and Eros~ A Journey to Wholeness

For 7 weeks we will explore the Myth of Psyche and Eros through the practice of dance. Together, we will travel into ourselves, into the realm of Psyche herself–the realm of soul (for Psyche’s name means soul, breath, life). We will explore the masculine and feminine dynamics within through the mythic themes of sacrifice and surrender, victimhood and courage, separation and union.

Class 1- Sacrifice on the Mountain

Class 2 - The Valley Below

Class 3- Breaking the Rules

Class 4- Instinct and Awakening

Class 5- Grain and Wool

Class 6- Water and Oil

Class 7- The Sacred Marriage

Threads Of Winter~ Tending The Soul

November/December 2024

A 4 week mini-session, between Samhain and the Winter Solstice.Together, we will follow the metaphor of Weaving into the dance. For one moon cycle, we will gather threads of story, poetry and song and weave them into a blanket for the soul, through the dance. 

As Marion Woodman once said, “Metaphor is the language of the soul. Through a physical image, metaphor reveals a spiritual truth or condition… for soul is the meeting place of spirit and body, the eternal part of us that lives in body while we are on Earth.”

Let us then take this image of a soul blanket, lovingly woven with the threads of the dark season. Let us weave it together under starlight and moonlight, by the fireside and in the company of one another, so that we might wrap it around ourselves this winter, to rest and dream in its soft folds. 

Class 1 Weaving The Earth

Class 2 Weaving The Flames

Class 3 Weaving The Rain

Class 4 Weaving The Wind

Catskin~ Awakening the Instinctual Soul

September/October 2024

A 6 week session based on the tale of Catskin, exploring themes of instinct and intuition, strategy and courage, cleansing and sorting. We will ask ourselves questions about the masculine and feminine dynamics within our own interior landscapes, and about the voices within that can repress or liberate, dull or awaken, soothe or terrify. We will move into the paradoxical and alchemical realm of the inner life through the feeling body, feeling what we must as the story guides us deeper and deeper inward. 

And so, I invite you to plunge into the storied landscape of the body/soul, following the tale of Catskin to wherever it might lead us.

Class 1: Leaving the Father's House

Class 2: From Princess to Kitchen Maid

Class 3: Attending the Ball

Class 4: Strategy and Hidden Treasure

Class 5: Gowns of Moon and Stars

Class 6: Layers of Silk and Soot

Myth and Muse

April- June 2024

For 10 weeks we will travel into the territory of the body/soul through the practice of movement to meet the 9 muses who dwell within.

Six Swans~ Threads of Devotion

January/February 2024

A 6 week session based on the fairytale, The Six Swans. Together, through the dance, we will explore the themes of this old tale. We will ask ourselves questions about patience and devotion; faith and transformation; silence and promise; perseverance and courage. With each class we will unravel another thread of story, before weaving it back into the fabric of our own lived experience. 

Class One: The Lost King

Class Two :The Swan Spell

Class Three: The Impossible Task

Class Four: The Young King

Class Five: The Pyre

Class Six: The Return

Nourishing Darkness~ Into the Arms of Mother Night

November/December 2023

For one moon cycle, I would like to invite you to come in from the cold and to sit by the hearth of your own fire deep within. Together we will explore themes of yielding and surrender, of hibernation and restoration, of healing and tending, of prayer and mending. Let there be nothing to hold, or make, or do, just letting go into the arms of Mother Night and the Nourishing Darkness that she is.

Class One: At The Well

Class Two: In The Cave

Class Three: By The Fire

Class Four : Beneath The Moon

The Bear Wife

September/October 2023

A six class series based on the fairytale King Valemon, The White Bear King. For six weeks, through the dance, we will explore themes of instinct and wilderness, civilization and domesticity, promises made and broken, and the alchemical union of opposites. We will look at what Jung called “the sacred or spiritual marriage" as we consider the masculine and feminine parts of our own beings and our human journey to unite them. 

Class One: The Maiden Daughter

Class Two:The Bear King

Class Three: Leaving Home

Class Four: Breaking the Promise 

Class Five: The Impossible Task

Class Six: The Instinctual Marriage 

Threads of Spring

March/April 2023

The metaphor of weaving has, for many years, served me as a profound metaphor for the dance work we share: how together we weave the countless threads of the inner life—threads of life lived alongside threads of life unfolding; and as variegated patterns arise in our bodies and psyches, sometimes we look to find ourselves as the weavers, and at other times we find that we are the fabric being woven. And this paradox can only be upheld and made touchable by the container of a familiar form, a pattern of repetition that is built into our shared practice, which becomes the warp upon which the countless threads of the creative life can be woven into a profound tapestry.

Threads of Spring is a six week series woven with threads of poetry, prose and myth that celebrate this reawakening of life.

For 6 weeks, we will pursue these threads into the living body. Like the robins of spring, we will weave sheltered nests for the new life that is hatching. We will sit at the loom within, pulling on the spools of spring, and draw them through the warp of the dance—threads of blossom and light, of rain and seed, of pollen and nectar.

We will ask ourselves: what is budding in the fecund earth of the soul? What seeds am I planting? What nectar am I gathering? What warmth and light are calling me to rise and reach into the brightening skies? In what direction am I longing to grow? Into what am I rooting as I rise? 

Class One: Rain

Class Two: Seed

Class Three: Light

Class Four: Blossom

Class Five: Nectar

The Forest Sanctuary~ Immortal Tales of Winter

January/February 2023

Together, for one moon-cycle, we will consider what it means to “take shelter from the storm,”and “to throw another log on the fire.” We will follow old Northern tales into the dance and worlds within—stories that are themselves a kind of sustenance— nourishment for the soul, so that it may endure the lonesome dark of winter, just as the turnips, cabbages, and potatoes in the cellar nourish the body so that it may survive winter's cold hunger. 

Class One -The Forest Shelter

Class Two - The Hearth Fire

Class Three -The Medicine Woman

Class Four -The Deep Sleep

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