
I have been offering Sacred Dance Classes For Women for over 20 years. I first created these classes out of necessity, at a time in my life where I felt very much without ceremony and sisterhood. Mostly, what I remember from that time is that I needed to move my body, in a meaningful way, in a community of good-hearted others.

Now, two decades later, I cannot imagine my life without this work, for it is the expression of my innermost heart. Dance, is not just a luxury reserved for celebratory occasions, nor is it solely a performance art, but it is also a practice, a necessary and essential part of being alive, and for me, it is this, more than it is anything else.

My dance background spans over 30 years. Before I came to dance as a sacred practice, I took classes in modern dance, ballet and jazz. In my early 20's I had the good fortune of meeting and studying with my Creative Dance Teacher, Irmi Von Hansen, who taught me that dance was actually a kind of medicine and a way of life, and who danced every day of her 87 years on earth.  

My reverence for the wisdom body also brought me to study The Osteopathic Field of Awareness, with my wise teachers, Greg Blaney and Michelle Benjamin. For 7 years, I trained with them in Osteopathic Body Analysis, and the learning gleaned from their teachings not only changed my life, but has become the foundation for the dance work.

When I am not dancing you can find me at home with my family, tending the beloved land that we call Honey Grove,  usually peering into a beehive and witnessing another kind of extraordinary dance.

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